Put A Halt To The Cold: Easy Draft-Stopping Solutions For Various Budgets

When the outside temperatures begin to plummet, you need to take precautions to ensure that your energy bills don't skyrocket. Otherwise, your hard-earned money will go right out the door. Because replacement windows can be expensive, here are some budget-friendly alternatives to stopping the drafts:

Use Draft Snakes to Hold Warm Air In

Draft snakes can be purchased at most stores or you can make your own. These are placed under doors and around window sills to keep the cold air out and the warm air inside the home. If you choose to make your own, you can use almost any fabric, from socks to old towels.

Install Interior Storm Windows to Keep the Cold Air Out

If you don't plan on opening your windows in the near future, you can keep warm air inside the home by installing interior storm windows. These windows simply fit directly inside your existing window. If you can't afford storm windows, you can use Plexiglass. You can cut the Plexiglass so that it will fit inside the window and it can be secured with screws in each of the four corners.

Shrink Plastic Film to the Window

Your local home improvement store will likely sell kits that contain plastic shrink insulation. It only takes minutes to install, and it is relatively affordable. All you'll have to do is apply the film to the inside of your window with some double-sided tape (which should be in the kit) and heat the plastic with your blow dryer in order to shrink the film to the window and remove any wrinkles.

Attach Bubble Wrap to the Glass

If you don't want to have to mess with the kit from the store, you can always buy a roll of bubble wrap and cut it to fit your window. You can then use double-sided tape to make sure that the bubble wrap stays in place throughout the winter. Just remember that if you choose this option you won't be able to open your window all winter without damaging the insulation that you've created.

Add Some Insulating Decor

When winter hits, you can swap out your light-colored, lightweight curtains for some heavy, insulating curtains. Stick to layered curtains or heavy draperies for optimal results. Alternatively, you could choose Roman shades or honeycomb shades, which are known to help trap the air in between the different layers of fabric.

As you can see, you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to keep your home warm in the winter. As soon as you can, you will want to replace your windows, especially if they're old and drafty. Don't forget to also keep your furnace tuned up so that it will operate at its maximum efficiency. For more information, contact Clay's Climate Control LLC
